Becoming an Attractive Employer Through Strong Corporate Culture

August 1, 2023

Winning Talent and Ensuring Long-Term Employee Retention

The Future of Work - Why a robust corporate culture is indispensable in today's rapidly changing work environment

As the working world rapidly evolves and new technologies take hold, companies are called upon to adapt and optimally support their employees.

But how can companies ensure that their employees remain satisfied, motivated, and consequently, productive? A robust corporate culture can make a significant difference here.

According to a survey by recruitment consultants Robert Walters, 69% of Swiss employees questioned stated that a good corporate culture is a vital factor in their choice of employer. A strong corporate culture is characterized by clear values, a shared vision, and open communication. It fosters trust and a positive work atmosphere, enabling employees to tap into their potential and grow.

Here are some strategies on how companies can build and maintain a robust corporate culture:

Defining Clear Values

Companies should define clear values and communicate these openly and consistently. This approach provides clarity and direction for employees and contributes to a shared understanding.

Promoting Open Communication

Open communication is a critical component of a positive corporate culture. Both positive and negative feedback should be addressed openly. Employees should feel that their opinions are heard and that they are part of the company.

Supporting Employees

A good corporate culture also involves promoting and supporting employees. This support can include training, further education, or coaching programs.

Offering Flexible Work Models

Flexible work models such as home office or part-time work can help employees achieve a balanced work-life ratio, making them more motivated and productive.

Another crucial aspect underscoring the importance of a strong corporate culture is its role in employee retention and recruitment. In today's age, where competition for skilled professionals is high, companies must compete for top talent more than ever. A strong corporate culture can be a deciding factor here.

Attracting and Retaining Talent

According to a study by consulting firm Deloitte, companies with a strong corporate culture are twice as likely to retain and attract talent. A positive work atmosphere, clear values, and a shared vision are often more important to many employees than a high salary. When employees identify with their employer and feel their work has purpose, they are more likely to commit to the company long-term.

A strong corporate culture can also help employees identify with their work and the company and take pride in working for the company. This feeling can positively impact the company's image and contribute to potential applicants choosing to work for the company.

Furthermore, this can lead to employees being more engaged and motivated. When employees feel that their contribution matters to the company's success, they are more likely to give their best for the company.

Employee as a Multiplier

From a communication perspective, an employee is a multiplier who influences the company's image from the inside and carries it to the outside world. Employees transmit the company's values externally through conversations with friends and family or via social media. A good example is a cool team event which is happily shared with the public. If you come up with a special hashtag, these posts can also contribute to marketing and corporate identity. The employee is one of the company's most critical multipliers and should not be neglected. The potential damage and profit an employee can bring to a company should never be underestimated.

In conclusion, a strong corporate culture is a decisive factor for the long-term success of a company. A positive work atmosphere, clear values, and a shared vision can contribute to more satisfied and motivated employees, binding talent, and strengthening the company's image.

It's therefore worth delving deeply into this topic and finding out how companies can improve their corporate culture. Only then can they achieve long-term success and assert themselves in the competition for the best talent.

Source: "Robert Walters Employment Market Study 2021", Robert Walters Switzerland

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